Something different..
Location: Ramada Palace Hotel, Gudaibiya
Group: Nazli, Sireen, Reem, Eman, Noor.
Rating: 6/10
Date: 15-1-2012
This was our first mission in a hotel. Ramada is not fancy but still, it was a new experience to rate a restaurant that is located in a hotel and not considered a family owned business.
The atmosphere was nice. We were the only group dining there and the two waitresses were extra friendly and spoke good English. Thai music was played in a Karaoke screen.
The ceiling. Very beautiful
Crackers to start with. Complimentary.
The menu. Clear and well organized with many options.
Tom Yum Soup (sea food). It was too zesty. We enjoyed it but we wished that the lemon wasn't covering up the taste of the soup. Big pieces of pepper ruined it a bit too.
Shrimp Wanton. Very good that i couldn't resist having a second one. Crispy.
This is by far the best Prawn Toast we tried in our mission. Crispy from outside and soft from the inside.
Spring rolls. Average.
Beef Salad. Too spicy but if you remove the spice it could taste really good.
Crabs. Well cooked but tasteless.
Fried rice. Average.
Prawn Carry. Something new. It was nice trying it but was spicy and not as special as we thought.
Beef with Cashew Nut. Also something new. We usually order chicken or shrimp cashew nut, but never beef. It was nice. Thick sauce.
Chicken with Garlic. The girls hated it but i thought that it was edible.
Pat Thai Noodles. They couldn't even swallow it. Saying that it tasted like fish. It did, but i managed to eat it although it wasn't great at all.
The starters were excellent. Can be considered one of the best restaurants for Thai appetizers. But the main dish was a total opposite. I think that if we order other options we will find something special and delicious. We had a lovely time. Price was it's not expensive. Total bill was around BD40.
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