Thai in a mall. One of a kind in Bahrain. We tried their Chinese dishes before and loved them. This time it was all Thai.
Menu was very clear and organized. Thai food was separated from Chinese food which made it much easier for us.
Shrimp Toast. That was good. The top part was delicious & soft and the bottom part was crispy.
Tom Yum Soup. Didn't like it. Too zesty and it didn't feel like Tom Yum. But Sireen loved it. She always loves what we don't like and vice versa.
This was unique and yummy: Grilled Prawns with Minced Chicken. It doesn't look as good as it tastes but it was something new.
Location: City Center
Group: Nazli, Sireen, Reem, Eman.
Rating: 6/10
Date: 30-1-2012
Something to start with on the house.. Very oily & not crispy. We couldn't eat it.
Menu was very clear and organized. Thai food was separated from Chinese food which made it much easier for us.
Chicken Satay. Had one bite only. Didn't like it at all.
Shrimp Toast. That was good. The top part was delicious & soft and the bottom part was crispy.
Prawn Tempura. That was nice. But like Reem said, it tasted frozen and not fresh.
Tom Yum Soup. Didn't like it. Too zesty and it didn't feel like Tom Yum. But Sireen loved it. She always loves what we don't like and vice versa.
Beef with Oyster Sauce. Delicious
Beef Salad. Average
Chicken Kale. Dry. Needed more sauce.
Pad Thai Noodles. Good but not wow. Much better than many Pad Thai we tried.
This was unique and yummy: Grilled Prawns with Minced Chicken. It doesn't look as good as it tastes but it was something new.
Fried Bananas for dessert. A must try.
Total price was BD46.200 which was a bit higher than the usual small Thai restaurants. It was a nice experience to be in a mall (the only mall in our mission). The service was excellent. Friendly staff. Nice atmosphere. As for the food it wasn't as good as their Chinese Menu. But the way the Chinese and Thai food was separated in the menu added a lot to the rating.
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